Soma Yin/Yang Yoga ONLINE
7-8:30pm EST USA “Silence is an empty space. Space is the home of an awakened mind.” ___Buddha
Service Description
Please register by emailing me and I will send you the link In this online class, we will be exploring Yin/Yang Yoga Somatically, sensing and feeling our way through holding postures, breathing explorations, meditation and deep rest. This creates a unique and potent environment to develop a holistic experience of the body, heart and mind. A process to fully inhabit ourselves and our life in a radically engaging and inquisitive way. In our time together we will tap into an infinite universal force of expansiveness that is without beginning or end, a singular pulsation or moving center from which all of life springs… All Welcome Starts February 14 2024 Wednesdays 7-8:30pm $20 drop in or 10/$190
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Highland Park, NJ, USA